"Living by the Spirit as Children of God" - Traditional

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Pastor Bruce JohnsonMay 26, 2024All Church, Trinity Sunday

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On Trinity Sunday, May 26, 2024, we gathered for a special service where Pastor Bruce Johnson delivered a powerful sermon titled "Living by the Spirit as Children of God." Drawing from Isaiah 6:1-8, Romans 8:12-17, and John 3:1-17, Pastor Bruce explored the profound relationship between the Holy Spirit and our identity as children of God.

This service coincided with Memorial Day weekend, providing a poignant backdrop as we reflected on the themes of sacrifice, service, and spiritual renewal. It was a perfect opportunity to connect deeper with our faith and community during this time of remembrance and celebration.

They hymns were “Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty", Spirit of Faith, Come Down” and “Come, Join the Dance of Trinity” .

The offertory played by Sean Wittmer on violin, accompanied by Heidi Jacobs on piano was the Veracini Violin Sonata in e minor, The Veracini Violin Sonata in e minor, also known as the "Veracini Sonatas," is a set of six violin sonatas composed by Italian Baroque musician Antonio Vivaldi in the mid-18th century. These sonatas are considered some of the most technically demanding violin works of their time and continue to challenge and inspire violinists to this day. Overall, the Veracini Violin Sonata in E minor is a masterpiece of Baroque music that showcases Vivaldi's impressive technical virtuosity and musical creativity.

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