Children's Ministry
Our goal is that all children will know and experience the love of God, and then extend that love to others.
Follow: We want those who are teaching and spending time with children at Pender to be followers of Jesus, who then teach children how to also be followers.
Reach: Our desire is for God to reach your child in a unique and meaningful way. This may come through some of our various Children’s Ministry events and activities, or through the loving community of Pender.
Transform: Ultimately, a relationship with Jesus changes lives. Living in the love that God has for us is a true gift and often times transforms the way in which we live.
Latest Children's Video
Resuming in September - The Music Experience is a weekly 45 minute session for third through sixth grade children. Children can perform, read, compose, and experience music, no prior music knowledge necessary.
Cost is $25 for the first child and $15 for additional family members. POC: Jane McKee and Mary O'Connor.
Miss Jane has a BME in Music Education and has taught music and directed choirs for all ages. She sings, rings bells, plays piano and flute, and plays autoharp in the Pender Praise Band.
Miss Jane is presently a teacher for FCPS schools. She is looking forward to meeting you in our Music Experience!
Miss Mary has a BA in Music Education and has taught piano lessons for many years as well as directed handbell/chime choirs for children. She plays piano, sings, rings handbells, and plays in a recorder quartet. She has sung bass in a woman’s Barbershop Chorus.
Miss Mary is currently a private piano teacher and she’s very excited to meet you in our Music Experience!
Practice sessions will be held in the choir room and sanctuary.
Register your child here or use the QR code below:
The Pender Hill School is accepting registration for the fall!
More information here:
Activities for Children
Sunday activities for children of all ages:
Sunday worship (All ages!) – At Pender children are encouraged and invited to participate in worship at church. During the 9:00 and 11:15 services we have a children’s message within the service specifically for kids!
Sunday School (newborn- 6th grade) – on Sunday morning, at 10:00, we offer Sunday school for children 2 years old through 6th grade. They are in classes with friends that are around the same age as them so they can learn more about God’s love together. Their goal is to connect the church and family together to deepen the faith of children!
Every weekday during the school year: Pender Hill School
Other Children’s Ministry experiences at Pender:
The Music Experience
Children's Choirs and Bell groups
Scouting at Pender
Summer camps info
Pender offers various camps throughout the summer for children.of varying ages.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
(2 years old -6thgrade)
Pender Hill Preschool
(18 months – 5 years)
Family Events:
Pender is dedicated to having family events throughout the year where the whole family can come and experience God’s love and fellowship with others together.
Some of our annual events include:
Movie Nights – Throughout the Year
Pender Hikers - Throughout the Year
Summer Cycling
Cabin Fever Party – February
Easter Event - April
Pender Rocks the Block – September
A Night in Bethlehem – December
All teachers are required to submit to a thorough background check and complete Child Protection Training. In addition, all teacher helpers must attend training.