Pender UMC Good Friday Drama


March 29, 2024Lent, Drama

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Passage: Luke 1:46-55

Pender UMC's Good Friday service on March 29, 2024 was a profound experience that commenced with attendees entering a darkened sanctuary, enveloped in silence, setting the tone for a night of reflective worship. Heidi Jacobs initiated this prayerful meditative Tenebrae service with "Be Glorified," performed soulfully on piano.

The evening continued with the ethereal beauty of "Quia resplicit," a mesmerizing soprano aria from J.S. Bach's Magnificat in D major, BWV 243. This piece, expressing Mary's joy and humility, was brought to life by the exquisite vocal talents of soprano Andrea Quinones, with Heidi Jacobs providing the instrumental accompaniment. This performance was a highlight of the evening, showcasing a segment of Bach's Magnificat, a pivotal work in Baroque choral tradition. The audience was invited to immerse themselves in the nuanced interplay of voice and music, reflecting Bach's skill in melding scriptural narrative with harmonious sound.

Jane McKee’s rendition of "Were You There" on the flute followed, leading the congregation in singing this timeless African-American spiritual, further deepening the evening's contemplative mood.

Patrick King, Pender Director of Music Ministries, sang his own composition, “Lord of Sorrow”.

The Tenebrae service, an ancient tradition steeped in deep reflection, featured the stirring "Tenebrae service for three voices" by Renae Meredith.

In the hushed ambiance of the sanctuary, three distinct voices wove together the poignant narrative of Christ's Passion, with each voice adding depth to the story of sacrifice and salvation. As the lights dimmed, attendees experienced the powerful symbolism of the Tenebrae—a gradual extinguishing of candles—mirroring the fading light of the world as Christ journeyed to the cross.

A Tenebrae service for three voices

By Renae Meredith Direction: Jane McKee
Narrator: Thomas Parker
Assistant: Megan Parker
Mary Magdalene: Julia Jamison
Peter: David Kinard
Centurion: Bruce Johnson

The service culminated in a poignant moment, mirroring its beginning, as darkness filled the room while "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" was sung by the congregation, bringing the night to a reflective close.

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Sermons in Lent