SPPRC Update, January 6, 2023

by Arlet Williams on January 06, 2023

Invest in a Future with Hope

At Pender our single most important source of funding for our ministries comes from the estimated giving contributions during our annual stewardship campaign. Unlike some churches, we receive no funds from an endowment. We are deeply grateful for the faithfulness of our congregation, as we have consistently received promised commitment monies. These commitments provide us with a forecast on which we build our expense budget for the coming year. We acknowledge each gift to be as unique as the individual giver, and we strive to be exceptional stewards of the resources entrusted to us. This year we encourage you to join us in investing in a future with hope by estimating an annual gift that is both responsible and significant based on what God is calling you to give.

Let us not be sad as we are making a small beginning for our Father rejoices to see his work begin! The enemy wants you to dismiss that whatever you are able to give of your time, talent, and treasure is too small or too insignificant.  But we rejoice and remember that it is our Father who is the master of so many things that are small – look at what He did with the two fishes and five loaves of bread.

Pender we are stepping into our miracle right now.  Continue to pray for tenacity and boldness. Although this is a difficult chapter greater things are yet to come for our country, our community, our families, and yes our Church.

We are a house of prayer, a house of presence, a house for all people.  We encourage you to pray and join with us in investing in our future, of hope, faith, and love.

We Are Pender. 

Tags: pastor, staff, sprc, staff parish, spprc


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