Pender is an open and welcoming church. We accept and embrace all persons, period. All people are blessed children of God. Pender is a caring and praying church community; we believe as Christians that we are called to follow and practice the ways of Jesus Christ, who is our ever present and living God.
Our mission is to practice and embrace, providing unconditional love and acceptance of all of God's children as He loves and accepts all of us. We do not discriminate based on age, mental, physical, or intellectual ability, culture, gender, race, religious belief or unbelief, or sexual orientation.
Our Vision Statement
By following Jesus and reaching out to others, we seek God's transformation of ourselves and our world.
At Pender UMC, we’re passionate about loving our neighbors, locally and worldwide. Join us as together we follow Jesus, reach out to others in our community, and seek God’s transformation of ourselves and our world.
We are the church. Together. Let’s#BeUMC
Each of us made a choice to be United Methodist, to #BeUMC. In doing so, we connected with others around the world who are also called to share God’s love and put their beliefs into action. We are the church. Together.
Watch this video to be reminded of why you chose to #BeUMC and to see how you are a vital part of The United Methodist Church’s continuing mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
00:00 We all chose to #BeUMC 00:19 Together, we’re making a difference 01:08 Together, we’re transforming the world 01:36 We are the people of God
Council of Bishops: A message on the narrative of The United Methodist Church
At its Fall 2021 meeting, the United Methodist Council of Bishops cast a vision for a more inclusive denomination. That statement, "A Narrative for the Continuing United Methodist Church," was adopted by a majority of the group and reads in part: “We cannot be a traditional church or a progressive church or a centrist church. We cannot be a gay or straight church." In this video, members of the council reflect on that narrative.
Join us this Second Sunday of Lent as Pastor Bruce began a brand-new sermon series: "What Christians Do, and Why It Matters." This week, we dove into Prayerful Living—what it means to cultivate a life of prayer and why it is essential to our faith.