Missions Update, March 24, 2022

by Virginia Patch on March 24, 2022


Charles Hanak, serves as a Regional Director for AFCI in a number of countries in North & South America,  which includes mission work in Paraguay.  AFCI-Paraguay is developing a model program called C-Deco (Center for Comprehensive Community Development).  The vision of this program is persons transformed in all areas of their lives by their encounter with Jesus Christ. The present development outside of the capital city of Asuncion, will serve as a model to be replicated in other communities of Paraguay.   Jesus said that He came to seek and to save the Lost (Luke 19:10).  We see all kinds of lost-ness in Paraguay.  First, the overwhelming majority of Paraguayans are secular in their world-view, their greatest need is to hear the Gospel and experience the presence and love of God.  In addition, they are socially lost.  Children in many cases do not grow up in intact families or stable homes.  Although they may be in school, many never learn to read or do basic math.  This situation leaves them unprepared for a productive life.  Many teenagers turn to substance abuse, prostitution, and crime, resulting in high rates of incarceration. 

C-Deco seeks to meet the greatest need of every human being, which is to come to know the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and to learn to live life with Him.  But in order to win a hearing for the Gospel, we need to also deal with the immediate felt needs of our neighbors.  The programs offered by C-Deco focus on the most vulnerable sectors of the population.

Over the last 3 years, they have established a congregation of new believers, there is now a church in the center of 5 communities with a church building that provides opportunities for worship, evangelism and discipleship, as well as programs for children, youth and adults.

Let's Learn Together, a program of after-school tutoring for children focuses on learning to read and do basic math.  Dorcas Ministry teaches basic sewing skills.  Devotional times at the beginning of each session offer opportunities to hear and respond to the Gospel.  Access to sewing machines and to professional training allows participants to provide clothing and materials for their own families and to make goods to sell.   Focus on the Heart is a ministry of practical discipleship and healing for women that transforms their lives.  CREER, a comprehensive residential program providing structure and vocational training for those coming out of prison.  The 3 year program reintegrates ex-offenders into society with the skills they need to go forward.

All of these programs draw in members of the community in ways that allow them to se the reality of Christian community and to hear about the Christian life. 

Thank you for your prayers for former members of Pender, Charles and Christine Hanak.  Christine is the author and teacher of Focus on the Heart ministry and it has been presented to women in many countries throughout the world.

Tags: missions, missionaries, paraguay, sewing, faith promise, dorcas ministry, chris hanak, charlie hanak, focus on the heart, afci, asuncion, c-deco, let's learn together, center for comprehensive community development


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