Mission Update, August 12, 2021

by Martin Patch on August 12, 2021

Sharing the gospel by bicycle


Ben and Jenny Reyes train missionaries for cross-cultural ministry. Since the pandemic, most of their training has been with zoom.

One of Ben’s favorite things is to embark on cross country bicycle touring. Ben’s son, Mat, decided to join his Dad this summer. They left Charlotte, NC on June 22 and by July 20th, they were camping in a little town in Illinois. Ben says that, “bicycling has let me visit friends and churches, and minister to people I otherwise would not have met travelling by car.” Another 210 miles to go to get to Waterloo, Iowa, where they will visit relatives. That is where their ride ends and then Ben will head back to Charlotte, NC, and get ready to travel to Brazil. Here in Brazil Ben will do mobilization, teach, and finish the final steps to full recognition of Movimento Barnabé by the Methodist Church of Brazil.  The goal is to transform the local church to be more obedient, one that sees the commandment of God to do cross-cultural missions as fundamental within its missional calling

Ben and Jenny Reyes and their two sons are another one of Pender’s faith promise missionaries whom we have supported for many years. Pender’s short-term mission teams had the pleasure of working with them in Paraguay during the 16 years that they served there. They covet our prayers as they walk by faith, facing the challenges of change in their lives, family, and the ministry God has entrusted to them.

Tags: missions, missionaries, faith promise, zoom, bicycle. brazil, methodist, movimento barnabé


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