Choir Cantata and Ready for Different Kind of Birthday Bash? (Traditional)


Rev. Will WhiteDecember 19, 2021Holiday, Christmas, Advent, Music

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Passage: Micah 5:2-5

Sunday, December 19, 2021

The PUMC Sanctuary Choir and members of the American Youth Philharmonic Orchestra provided a music cantata during traditional worship service.

Rev Will White preached on
Ready for Different Kind of Birthday Bash?
based on Micah 5:2-5 and Luke 1:39-45.

Micah may be a minor prophet, but he’s a heavy hitter. Through him we know that God chose a no place like Bethlehem Ephrathah to be a significant someplace. Luke reminds us that, a young woman, a little girl really, from a backwater town became exceptional. Mary was her name. Her obedience to God makes possible a birth like none other. Come join us as we respond to this miracle.

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