Serve at Pender

There are many ways for people all ages to serve at Pender.


An acolyte is a person who assists the presiding minister/pastor in worship and carries out certain duties, including candle lighting; carrying the processional cross; holding or getting items the pastor needs at baptisms, Holy Communion, and other worship acts. Acolytes may be children, youth, and adults. Contact Donna Parker for more information.

Learn More

Audio/Visual Team

We work together for sound, lights, recording, computer graphics, and motion video. We need to grow our AV team! Have you ever wondered how Pender Church produces our online live streaming services? Who runs the soundboard, slideshow, and camera, and what are their responsibilities? If you are curious or interested in volunteering to help with the online production of our church services, please attend an AV rehearsal on Thursday night at 6:00 pm Teens are welcome!

Contact the AV Team

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I'm interested in helping with:

Child Protection Policy (CPP)

A second adult is required for all our children's events.  See the Child Protection Policy for more information.

Children's Church

Sign up online to help with Children’s Church or in the Nursery.

Children's Time

Want to present a short message to children during Traditional services?

Contact Donna Parker for more information.


See the Music Ministry page.

Contact the Music Ministry

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I'm interested in...

Coffee Fellowship

Set up coffee and snacks on Sunday mornings, clean up after the final Sunday service.

Common Ground Praise Band

The band plays on Sunday mornings at 11:15 am for common ground. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings.

Communications Coordinator

We are looking for a person with skills in building a small team to work with Pender’s Director of Communication to develop and implement a marketing and communication plan.  Some familiarity with social media etc. would be beneficial.  Participation at the monthly Church Council meeting is part of the job description. This is a Volunteer position.

Communion Servers

During the worship service "lay persons as well as other clergy may assist the pastor in giving the bread and cup."The United Methodist Book of Worship)

Laypeople may distribute the consecrated elements in the congregation and extend them to members who are unavoidably absent.... An elder or deacon should offer appropriate training, preparation, and supervision for this important task."


Greeters are our front line ministers of welcome. Greeters usually provide the first official point of contact with the congregation. Your role as a greeter is critically important to set the tone of welcoming in the congregation. As you serve in this ministry, keep these guidelines in mind.

Remember to:
• Welcome each person who enters the worship area.
• Identify newcomers, ask their names, quickly answer their questions, and introduce them to an usher.
• Leave the doorway to assist people when necessary.
• Shake hands and smile; these are always appropriate greetings that say “welcome.”
• Arrive early at your assigned door and stay there until after worship begins to assist those arriving late.

Try to avoid:
• Getting caught up in lengthy conversations with people.
• Interrogating newcomers or keeping them too long at the doors, especially if your conversation keeps others outside.
• Leaving people hanging while waiting for an answer or assistance with a problem.
• Kissing and hugging; some people (regulars and newcomers alike) feel awkward about being touched in such a personal way by an acquaintance.
• Leaving your assignment unattended, especially close to the start of worship when newcomers are likely to arrive.

Office Helper

There is always something to do in the church office - no experience needed!

Do you have a warm, welcoming spirit?  Can you answer the phone, perform clerical office tasks, or use a computer?  We can use you in our  Church Office as a volunteer for support to our regular staff.

Prayer Chain

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Pender is a church committed to the power of prayer. Our "prayer chain" is a group of church members constantly in prayer for the needs of our congregation.

To make your prayer needs known, you may fill out the form below to alert to our group of prayer warriors.

Prayer Request and/or Notes to Encourage

Rock the Block

A bi-annual fun block party for the whole neighborhood family.  This typically includes food, music, games, live entertainment, "Minute to Win It" games, face painting, balloon sculpting and more.

Safety Committee

Our current needs:

  • One person to sit in the office carefully observing the camera displays. That person would stay for a second hour, either before or after, to participate in either the traditional or contemporary service.
  • Two Greeters, one outside each of the church's two entrances, performing a friendly greeting service, while keeping a watchful eye on folks approaching. Those Greeters come into church and participate in the service after it starts.
Second Adult

A second adult is required for all our children's events.  See the Child Protection Policy for more information.

Steven Ministers

Stephen Ministry congregations equip and empower lay caregivers—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.

Sunday School Teachers

Sunday School on Sunday mornings, at 10:00 and 10:30 am, we offer Sunday school for children 2 years old through adult.


Ushers are our front line ministers of welcome. Ushers serve as the hosts for worship. Your role as an usher is critically important to set the tone of welcoming in the congregation. As you serve in this ministry, keep these guidelines in mind.

Remember to:
• Remain available to meet people as they enter the worship space and then assist them throughout the service.
• Identify newcomers, ask their names, answer their questions and help them with items to make them comfortable.
• Offer to escort people to restrooms, childcare facilities, and other areas of the church they need to find.
• Offer assistance with finding seats; ask members to make way for guests.
• Assist with preparing the worship area and help keep it looking presentable.

Try to avoid:
• Leaving the entrances or the congregation completely unattended at any time before or during the service.
• Hovering over newcomers or smothering them with too much attention and information.
• Merely pointing people in the right direction and assuming they can get where they want to go in an unfamiliar building.
• Asking newcomers to move once they have been seated.
• Getting distracted with tasks and forgetting to interact with people.

Distribute bulletins on Sunday mornings, help people find seats, collect the offering, generally be welcoming.

Youth Dinners

Please sign up to bring dinner to our youth for special Sundays each month. At this point, we must eat outside, and the food should be prepackaged (i.e., a box lunch or covered plate from your home) or you can serve the youth from plates. Unfortunately, the youth cannot have a typical buffet line where they serve themselves at this point with the COVID health and safety protocols.

An important note: we have a few children with nut allergies, so please make sure to exclude all nuts. On a typical Sunday, we have approximately ten youth and four adults.

Thank you so much for volunteering for this important ministry. Our youth have missed these fellowship opportunities over the last year, and we appreciate you helping provide them with some unstructured time to enjoy each other's company again. Thank you for your time and efforts to make their youth experience at Pender meaningful.

Sign Up at

Worship Preparation

The worship team is multi-faceted and creative. The team is made up of many people: pastors, musicians, ushers, worship support, sanctuary care, actors/actresses, set design team, communion servants, acolyte trainers, and audio-visual personnel.


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I can help with VBS!

June 24-28, 2024

I'm available for VBS

June 24-28