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Audio/Visual Team

We need to grow our AV team!

Have you ever wondered how Pender Church produces our online live streaming services?

Who runs the soundboard, slideshow, and camera, and what are their responsibilities?

If you are curious or interested in volunteering to help with the online production of our church services, please attend an AV rehearsal on Thursday night at 6:00 pm

Teens are welcome!

Contact the AV Team

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I'm interested in helping with:

Backpack Blessings Ministry: GBE Back to School Stock Up

GBE Back to School Stock Up Pender is partnering with Greenbriar East Elementary School again this school year to provide weekend food bags to students.

GBE Backpack program is back with a need to support 50 students each week.  We have 2 ways that you can help support this important ministry.


  • Visit the table in the church lobby beginning October 2nd, select a Shopping bag based on the attached shopping list (please note approximate cost to purchase items is included)
  • Sign out the Bag # that you have chosen on the sign-up sheet and please include your email address (This way we can keep track of the bags and send out friendly reminders and important information regarding our packing schedule)
  • Take the bag and list home and have fun shopping
  • Return the shopping bag, list and items to the designated container in the narthex no later than Sunday, October 29th


  • Make a donation to help sponsor a child or children and we will do the bulk shopping for you. Donations can be made online using your mypenderpage or by writing a check and specifying it go to the line item: GBE Backpack Program

If you have questions, please contact Ann Hines or Jami Flemmons.

Thank you for supporting this ministry in our community!


Patrick is looking for voices to join the choir! Please contact him (below) and let him know you are interested.

Contact the Music Ministry

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I'm interested in...

College Students/Young Adults

Do you have a heart for young adults, newly away from home We would like to start a ministry to reach out to college kids - sending them a card, filling care packages and covering them in prayer. This won’t start until the fall, but we’d love to have people on board for this.


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I can help with VBS!

VBS will be June 23-29, 2025

I'm available for VBS

June 23-29, 2025

Digital Missionaries

We’re in Need of Digital Missionaries!

Pender has an exciting new outreach tool and we need your help to launch it!

You may have noticed our Facebook page has had some new activity. Every day, we’ll be posting an inspirational, scriptural or conversation post to help our Facebook page reach more people in our community.

Here’s how you can help! Go to our Pender Facebook page and check out our daily posts. The more you like and share our graphics, the greater our reach and impact can be on Facebook!

When you share our daily graphics with your friends, they’ll see the posts in their newsfeeds as well. Not only will your Facebook friends see our church name, they can then like, share or comment on the image, giving Pender the opportunity to reach those that are hurting, need some encouragement or don’t know Jesus yet.

As you share the post, please take a moment to pray for those who will see it. Pray that they will be encouraged and challenged. Pray that God will use these simple posts to draw others closer to him. This is a great way to be actively engaged in praying for our friends who may not be Christians or go to church regularly.

Share our inspiring daily posts every day or as often as you can to help us reach new people in our community and help introduce them to Pender.

Thank you!

Green Thumb?

Do you have a green thumb? (Can you keep a plant alive?) Let us know and we’ll share with you what we have in mind. Essentially, we want to beautify the outdoor entrance and we need someone to help keep the plants thriving.


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I can help with VBS!

VBS will be June 23-29, 2025

I'm available for VBS

June 23-29, 2025

JDC Worship

Join us in worship with the young men and women at the Fairfax County Juvenile Detention Center.

You may feel like your individual participation doesn’t matter, but it does! Over and over again, the staff tells us how we make a difference in the young men’s and women’s lives and the lives of the staff!

This is not a commitment to sign-up for a firm date, but please indicate the months you might be available.

It is always on the 4th Sunday of the month at the Fairfax Juvenile Detention Center from 1pm to 2pm.

I'm Interested!

The music ministry is seeking volunteer musicians percussion, violin/strings, guitar (lead and bass), trumpet/brass and any woodwind instrument (flute, clarinet etc.).

Contact the Music Ministry

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I'm interested in...

Operation Christmas Child

Pender will be packing shoebox gifts this fall for Operation Christmas Child, and now is a great time to purchase school supplies!!  It can also be a good time to find summer toys on clearance and even socks in back-to-school sales.  Packed shoeboxes and items will be collected in late October through mid-November. 

Pender will be packing shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child, and there are many ways you can help!

  • * Pack a box with your family or small group! Boxes due Nov. 20th. Info in the Narthex or at
  • * Donate items for shoeboxes, such as: small toys, washcloths, school supplies, hair accessories, kid's jewelry
  • * Donate towards shipping costs, $10 ships one box, please add OCC to your memo
  • * Sign up to help receive shoeboxes from the community,
  How can I help?
Ongoing Ways to Serve

Opportunities to Serve

JDC (Juvenile Detention Center)

On the fourth Sunday of the month, people in the Pender community lead a one hour worship service at Fairfax Juvenile Detention Center (JDC). This worship service supports teenagers (7th to 12th grade) and the staff.

Worship service is from 1:30 to 2:30 PM. Volunteers are asked to meet at JDC at 1:15 PM. You do not need to have any special skills, just a willing heart and spirit to share the gospel with teens and young adults.

Questions can be directed to Arlet Williams, (703) 474-2661 or

Sign up

Make a Difference: Clothes Donations!

The blue bin in the lobby at Pender is your opportunity to share kindness and hope with those in need. We’re collecting new and lightly-used clothing to support the Lamb Center, a daytime drop-in shelter serving individuals experiencing homelessness in Fairfax, Virginia.

At the Lamb Center, the love of Christ inspires every action. Together, we can make a tangible difference by sharing our blessings and supporting our neighbors in need. Together, we can bring warmth, dignity, and hope to our community. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ!

Flour (Maseca preferred)
Sugar (1 or 2 lb. bags)
Vegetable Oil
Pasta Sauce
Brown Rice
Pancake Mix
Family Sized Snacks (crackers, pretzels, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, etc.)
Canned Chicken
Hot Beverages (ground coffee, tea bags, etc.)

Toiletries: We have a big need for toilet paper right now.
We also need bar soap, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair shampoo, hair conditioner, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, and baby wipes (NOTE: we are not currently in need of diapers size 0-5 due to our partnership with Greater DC Diaper Bank. Please only donate larger size pull ups size 4T/5T for toddlers, size 6 diapers, or baby wipes if you want to donate items for babies.)

Western Fairfax Christian Ministries (WFCM)

WFCM has been providing food and services to the community for 37 years! Pender was one of the twelve founding churches that set the path and began the journey. Becky Bryan is our current liaison with WFCM. Please contact her with any questions.

In April more than 700 families were provided groceries from the Food Pantries, a 48% increase over April of 2023! Serving more families means we have a greater opportunity to make an impact with our donations.

There are multiple ways you can support this community ministry. The ways we hear of most often are donations of goods or money. Another way to participate is through volunteering of time to work in the Food Pantry. If you are interested in volunteering, contact the WFCM office or Becky Bryan.

Financial donations to be used to stock the Food Pantry can be made to Pender to be forwarded to WFCM. In a recent newsletter, WFCM explained that, because of the savings that flow out of bulk purchases, a donation of $100 is used to purchase the equivalent of $600 of food.

For donations of food and toiletry items, you may leave your gifts in the grocery cart located by Pender’s front doors. OR, you can order from Amazon for direct delivery to WFCM at 4511 Daly Drive, Suite J, Chantilly, VA 20151.

More opportunities to serve