Missions Update October 21, 2021

October 21, 2021


While The Jesus Film was produced in 1979 as a word-for-word cinematic translation of the Gospel of Luke, its limited release in two thousand theaters could not begin to show how it would impact 7.5 billion people. But when Cru began to market the film to Christians for use in reaching people who had never heard of Jesus, a powerful ministry took shape. 

One of Pender’s missionaries serving with Cru relates a story about a time when “The Jesus Film” was shown in Africa.  

“One of the missionaries had an opportunity to share about Jesus in a school in the slums of Kenya.  Because of the extreme poverty both the school and the nearby homes are built of tin sheets.  When they visited the school, the administration invited them to show the Swahili version of the Jesus Film to the entire school of 800 students plus teachers and staff.  Throughout the day the excitement built as the time drew nearer for the showing of the film.  The students sat squished together on small benches, straining to get within eyeshot of the screen.  The stench from the trash dump across the street permeated the school room, but the students and staff remained attentive.  There was a chorus of prayer at the closing invitation indicating that quite a few students invited Christ into their life.”

It brings joy to our hearts that the Lord continues to use the Jesus Film for His glory.  Let us not forget to thank those who have committed to serve in the mission field so that the Good News can continue to spread across the world. 

Tags: missions, missionary, africa, christians, gospel of luke, kenya, swahili, cru, the jesus film


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