Joy and Robert Varga co-pastor a small church out in the country about 2 hours outside the city of Asuncion. They often share with us stories of people they serve in their community and in their church. They are very devoted missionaries who believe in the power of prayer and give testimony to the wonderful ways that God works in their midst. Here is one of Joy’s accounts:
‘Recently, we started to pray for new people and converts. Due to the pandemic the church attendance suffered a lot.
One Sunday we came to church and there was a man sitting on the steps. It was 6:30 am and we greeted him. His name is Feliciano. He is in his late fifties. He was introduced by one of our members during a testimony time we have at our Sunday services. He came forward to explain that when he was much younger, he had visited a Baptist church while living in Asuncion. After a while he left there and went back into the world and messed up. He went through a depression that he couldn’t shake off and that went on for years. Then he came back to his village in the country, which is about 3 miles from our church. A month and a half ago he finally dared to ask God for help. (He thought that because of his many sins, God wouldn’t want him, or listen to him for that matter.) One morning he started walking and he saw a man dressed in beige signaling him to follow him...He followed him from a distance not knowing what to think. The man who led him to our church walked in and when Feliciano got there... he disappeared. He looked for him, but could not find him so he just sat on the steps.
Now, one and a half months later, he received the Lord, found forgiveness for his sins, and is being discipled and has such hunger for the Word. He comes to help to clean the church on Saturdays and helps with the construction of the Sunday school building . He volunteers happily for whatever is needed and walks back and forth to church and to his Bible classes. That’s 6 miles--- every time he comes and he says it keeps him healthy and happy. Last Sunday he came up to us and gave us a list of 11 people which he said were his brothers and sisters and if we could please help him to pray for their salvation, which we gladly do."
Please keep Robert and Joy in your prayers for their health (especially Joy) and for God's continued blessing on their lives and their ministry. Give thanks that they have served as missionaries for over 40 years and their desire is to glorify and lift up Christ in what He has called them to do.