Missions Update Concerning Refugees from Ukraine

by Virginia Patch on March 01, 2022



Samuel Cekov, one of Pender’s missionaries who lives in Slovakia shares this message concerning the refugees from Ukraine.

"We have connections with local churches in Slovakia who are opening their doors to accommodate especially women and children coming from Ukraine.

Good News Church in Nove Zamky are using their church building and many of our Christian friends are opening their homes to as many as we can. There are many basic needs that we can provide for them. As AFCI Slovakia we believe that our local churches are a key in showing the love of Christ to Ukrainian people.

God never promised that suffering would not come. God has never promised that we will not despair, that we will not be in distress, that it will not be too difficult or beyond our power, that we will not despair over our lives or even of death, all to trust not ourselves but God who raises the dead.. “He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us. 2 Corinthians 1:10

“Let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, let us bless the whole country that the hearts of the people will turn to God, who will set us free again and again, giving us comfort, hope and future!

Let us also pray for our country, for our brothers and sisters here at home, let us bless the whole country so that the hearts of the people may turn to God, who sets us free again and again, gives us comfort, hope and love of Christ in our hearts to help the Ukrainian people!

Let us also pray for our brothers and sisters in Russia, let us bless the whole country that the hearts of the people will turn to God, who will set us free again and again, giving us comfort, hope and real freedom!”

Tags: freedom, suffering, ukraine, russia, slovakia, destress, nove zamky, good news church, afci slovakia, 2 corinthians 1:10


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