Lenten Hymn and Devotion, Week 1

by Brian Stevenson on March 05, 2025

Brian Stevenson, Pender UMC Director of Handbells and Ensembles, presents a series of hymn-based devotions on Wednesdays during Lent.

The first is Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross by Fanny Crosby

Jesus, keep me near the cross;
there a precious fountain,
free to all, a healing stream,
flows from Calvary’s mountain.


In the cross, in the cross,
be my glory ever,
till my raptured soul shall find
rest beyond the river.

The United Methodist Hymnal Number 301

Text: Fanny J. Crosby, 1820-1915

Music: William H. Doane, 1832-1915

Tune: NEAR THE CROSS, Meter: 76.76 with Refrain

The Pender UMC Traditional Service Middle Hymn "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross" on Sunday January 29, 2023 was played by Liz Eunji Moon on piano, accompanied on guitar by Brian Stevenson, a student cellist  and sung the Pender Sanctuary Choir and congregation.

Tags: heaven, cross, joy, pain, peace, video, healing, devotion, blind, earth, refuge, celtic, calmness, breathing, hymn, fanny crosby, thin places, immortal, brian stevenson, brian stevenson, jesus keep me near the cross, spiritual altar, guitar, cello, liz eunji moon, cellist, director of handbells and ensembles


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