Clergy Appreciation Month

by Arlet Williams on October 18, 2023

October is National Pastor (or Clergy) Appreciation Month

No matter how humble or unassuming they may be, most people get a warm glow inside when someone says “thank you” for what they’ve done or expresses appreciation simply for who they are. Clergy and others who fill pastoral roles are no exception.

October is Pastor (or Clergy) Appreciation Month. It is a time to say “thank you” to the people who may be most visible as preachers and teachers, but who, in reality, are on-call 24/7 standing with congregants and others to offer spiritual and other support in times of confusion, transition, times of heart-wrenching sorrow and times of overwhelming joy. They laugh, cry and pray with those whom they shepherd and serve.

Established as a worldwide recognition time in 1992, the call to honor the contributions of pastoral leaders can be traced back to Paul, who advised congregations to give “double honor” to the elders who managed the affairs of the church well, “especially those whose work is preaching and teaching” (1 Timothy 5:17, NIV).

Here are some ways to extend appreciation to pastors or other clergy. And, remember, these suggestions are also good for birthdays, and other times when the congregation or individuals want to say “thank you.”

  1. Write a simple note of thanks for his  work and ministry.
  2. Pray for Pastor Bruce and his family.
  3. Offer to take communion to a homebound member, or call and check-in with them.
  4. Offer to take Pastor Bruce out for coffee or lunch.
  5. Have the children of the church make cards for our pastor.
  6. Send Pastor Bruce an email with encouragement for the week.
  7. Offer a prayer for Pastor Bruce and worship on Sunday morning.
  8. Stick around after worship one Sunday to tidy the sanctuary.
  9. Get together with other families in the church to treat Pastor Bruce and his family to a gift card for a meal out!
  10. Bring Pastor Bruce a treat to enjoy.
  11. Publicly support our pastor, and encourage fellow members to do the same.
  12. Support the ministry of Pastor with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
  13. Remind and gently encourage Pastor Bruce to make time for self-care and rest!
  14. Encourage Pastor Bruce to attend a retreat this year to renew and reset!
  15. Pastor Bruce is looking for volunteers, please step up and get involved.


Noble, Kathy. “Saying 'I Appreciate You' to Pastors.” ResourceUMC, The United Methodist Church, 16 Oct. 2019,

Tags: pastor, staff, sprc, staff parish, spprc, pastor bruce, pastor bruce johnson


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