A Note of Appreciation

by Arlet Williams on December 02, 2022

A Note of Appreciation

As we reflect over this year, we are thankful to the Pender community who has done so much in caring for the congregation and in executing our mission of building disciples for Christ who will go and transform the world. We have witnessed passionate advocates of justice, persons who lead monthly Bible studies, praise, and worship services at the Fairfax Juvenile Detention Center, and homeless shelters in our community.

We are grateful for our Sunday School, Children’s Time, and Pender Hill Preschool educators who deliver and spread the gospel on a weekly basis on-line and in-person to our infants, children, teenagers, and adults in our community. Our educators provide opportunities for learning; for people to understand and appreciate the complexities of the world, while they build deeper relationships and connections with Christ and people.

Our congregation and community has witnessed unbelievable levels of creativity and excellence, demonstrated by the staff and volunteers who are our artistic creators.  These gifted individuals spread the gospel through their delivery of the communication and worship arts through audiovisual, music, song, dance, spoken and written word. They highlight, enhance, and deliver the word and message during fellowship and worship services as well as providing written communication in This Week at Pender, on the Pender UMC website, as well as various social media platforms like Facebook, TicToc, and YouTube.

We appreciate the people who crotchet, knit, embroider, and sew costumes, coverlets, blankets, quilts, and throws, for those persons who battle serious illnesses. We are grateful for the persons who prepare delicious lunches, dinners, and suppers for fellowship hours, receptions, and hungry artistic creators. We are thankful that the people who serve on our Care and Concern Team they make phone calls, send cards, and visit our sick and shut ins. We rejoice in our tireless prayer warriors. These men and women pray and deliver comfort and hope in support of the life-cycle that includes the birth, death, and transitional concerns of our loved ones.

We are thankful for our lay leaders and minister who deliver the gospel not only on Sunday but at different times and places. For these persons have addressed racism, climate justice, and peace-building which has touched the hearts and minds of many persons. We rejoice and are so grateful for our acolyte, greeters, and ushers who tirelessly on a weekly basis welcome the stranger, usher in the light, and provide direction to those new and old who come seeking to hear the word. They ensure that ALL are welcome and that ALL are free to worship, praise, study, and fellowship at Pender.

We appreciate and have gratitude for the bookkeepers, counters, check signers, treasurer, and finance committee persons who support, track, monitor, and provide guidance to Committee persons, Cluster leaders, and administrators regarding management of our fiscal resources.  Finally, we have assurance,  and peace of mind in the staff and volunteers who deliver care, safety, and upkeep of the Pender campus. These persons assist us in safely navigating both at the church and in the community in delivering a safe worship experience and outreach program to the greater Fairfax community. 

For all of these persons dedication and commitment our hearts are full of gratitude.  As we begin our Advent journey may we each be grateful for our sisters and brothers in Christ as we go beyond our church walls into the community – making disciples for Christ.

For We Are Pender

Tags: volunteer, staff, worship, music, praise, website, children, homeless, gospel, advent, missions, song, dance, minister, infant, prayer warriors, adults, bible study, caring, crochet, illness, appreciation, sunday school, teenager, youtube, facebook, artistic, knit, educators, social media, sew, embroider, lay leaders, creators, audiovisual, jdc, children's time, christm, advocates of justice, pender hill preschool, tictoc


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