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Missions Conference 2022

The Pender Faith Promise Missions Celebration was Sat. Apr 30 at 8:30AM-12:30PM and on Sun. May 1 at 9AM, Sunday School and 11:15AM Services.

Missionaries shared about their ministries in our Fairfax community, in the US, and internationally.

Our keynote speaker was Christine Hanak, an ordained UMC minister, and her husband, Charlie. They serve globally with Ambassadors for Christ International (AFCI). As you know, Chris is an ordained minister with the UMC, and we are thrilled to have her back at her home congregation where her missionary life began.

Austin and Sinte House updated us about their ministry in Thailand. Members from Campus Crusade (Cru) on the George Mason University campus will come share their testimonies. Enjoy inspirational music and songs!

Breakfast, lunch and refreshments with an international flair were served in the Gathering Place.

Pender United Methodist Church supports 150 missionaries in 32 countries around the world. Each year, Pender sends teams on short-term mission trips to Central and South America, Europe, Africa, and we're always researching other trips.