Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee Personnel Announcements

Pender United Methodist Church, Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (S/PPRC) is announcing the following to Church Council leadership, our congregation, and the greater Pender UMC community.
August 12, 2023

Pender United Methodist Church, Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (S/PPRC) is announcing the following to Church Council leadership, our congregation, and the greater Pender UMC community:

1. Brian Stevenson is stepping down as Director of Music Ministries effective Friday, August 18, 2023. However, we are happy to report that he will not be leaving Pender, as he will assume the new position of Director of Handbells. This new appointment is effective as of Monday, August 21, 2023.

2. Uriah Moore is stepping down as Director of the Contemporary Worship Service. His last Sunday with us will be August 27th. He has both a new job (other than his musical pursuits) and a new baby which will keep him very busy. We want to wish Uriah the very best in his future endeavors. Uriah expressed that he is grateful for the opportunity to serve Pender and that he cherishes his interactions with many members of the congregation.

3. Charlie Tucker is stepping down as the Senior Nursery Worker. His last day of service in the nursery will be August 20th. We wish Charlie all the best in his new professional career journey in the Arlington, VA. area.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Brian and Uriah for their outstanding service to Pender, and for their contributions to the advancement of the Lord’s kingdom. Pender has been privileged to witness their exceptional musical talents and exemplary performances for some time. Brian has been our Director of Music since August 2020 and Uriah has served as Worship Leader for the contemporary service since November 2020. We would also like to thank Charlie for his invaluable service to Pender in the nursery, which has afforded many Pender families the opportunity to attend worship services.

Please continue to keep our congregation and staff in your prayers as we prayerfully search for new music ministry leadership for Pender.

Tags: nursery, handbell, staff parish, spprc, brian stevenson, brian stevenson, uriah moore, charlie tucker

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