Holy Week

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, the most important week of the church year. At the other end of Holy Week is Easter, the most important day of the church year.
For Christians, this is the big event! And it's all about the mystery that somehow Jesus Christ makes us one with God.
Palm/Passion Sunday. April 13. 10am. Pender Sanctuary
Join us as we begin the Holy Week journey to Easter with our Palm Sunday celebration. Come together to reflect on the significance of this day and honor the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem!
Holy Thursday Seder Meal. Thursday. April 17. 7pm. PUMC Gathering Place
Chag Sameach! (Happy Holiday!) We are excited to invite you for a warm and meaningful Passover Seder as we gather to experience the symbolism of this meal celebrating the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, a pivotal event in Jewish and Christian history!
Please note that the Seder Meal will not include a full meal. We have timed it for after the dinner hour.
Sign up to attend the Holy Thursday Seder Meal
Good Friday Service. Friday. April 18. 7pm. Pender UMC Sanctuary
We invite you to join us for a meaningful service as we come together to remember and reflect on the ultimate sacrifice made for us. The Service will feature a moving combination of drama, scripture, and music, all designed to guide our hearts through the profound story of Christ's love, suffering, and redemption.
Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil. April 19. 7pm. Pender UMC Parking Area.
We warmly invite you to join us for a special service of prayer, song, and scripture to prepare our hearts for the Easter celebration ahead.
Easter Sunday Celebrations! April 20. Pender UMC
Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the new life we have in Him. Whether you’re a long-time member or a first-time guest, we would love to welcome you!
Sunrise Service with Korean UMC – Koinonia! 6am. Pender Parking area
Sunrise Breakfast! 7am. Pender UMC Gathering Place
Easter Worship! 10am. Pender UMC Sanctuary with bells, scripture, and special music!
All of our worship is Christ-centered, Biblically-minded and relevant to life today. Pender UMC desires that you feel God’s Spirit nurturing you and that in worship you experience the very real presence of Christ with us. May you be blessed by God as you gather with us.
Where do I enter the building?
First, we want you to know that our church has worked hard to create a building with access for all. Whether you find yourself in a wheelchair or carting babies in a buggy, you’ll find automatically opening doors and large entrances.
As you enter the parking lot, you will notice two doors, both under porticos so that you may get out of the rain if it is wet. To enter through the main sanctuary entrance doors, simply look for the semi-circular driveway.
If instead you enter the sliding glass doors entrance, make a left into the hallway to the end where you will notice the welcome area on your left.
What do my children do?
We invite older children (3rd grade and up) to become fully involved in worship. At the back of the sanctuary are “children’s bulletins” and supplies like crayons.
Our younger children have the option of remaining with their family or being cared for by our wonderful nursery and childcare staff. Childcare is available for children ages birth through 2nd grade in the lower level of our building. Ask an Usher to help you find where to take your children!
Where do I park?
We attempt to have plenty of parking on Easter morning for our guests. However, we suggest you plan to arrive early, and if parking is full on our lot, there is parking on the street.
What if I need further information?
Our friendly volunteers and staff will welcome your questions! Please call our church office at 703-278-8023 between 9 am and 3 pm, Monday through Friday. Once at Pender, ask any friendly face for help! We are here to assist you.