Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday, Wednesday, March 5

Join us for a service blending contemporary visual and musical elements with traditional and familiar ones. Receiving the ashes is an ancient practice that began to occur just a few hundred years after Christ’s death and resurrection. You’ll have the opportunity to receive the sign of the cross on your forehead with ashes from the burnt palm fronds from last Palm Sunday. Come participate in the mystery of our faith.

Ash Wednesday is an inside-out act of worship. We come and confess and are reminded of both our sinfulness and our mortality. And yet we are given a visible mark in the imposition of ashes, a way of letting the world know that we are people of faith.

Pastor Bruce Johnson will preach.

Lent is a 40-day season (not counting Sundays) marked by repentance, fasting, reflection, and ultimately celebration. The season of Lent is essential for those who truly seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Because a part of what we learn in this time of self-examination is that we are what might be most in need of transformation. We might find that what might need to grow in faith and discipleship is the church and that the transformation of the world begins with building bridges and gathering up rather than with condemnation. We hope you’ll join in with churches around the world as we seek to be gathered up in Jesus.

Event Coordinator Pastor Bruce Johnson

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