Pastor Bruce Bible Study

New Study to begin on a topic of importance to us all.
As Christians we know that God has acted in Jesus Christ to be in relationship with us, and we want to grow in our relationship to God. From the start, this has also been a central feature of Methodist Christianity. But how does this growth happen? And what is our part? Beginning next week, we will begin a new study and conversation to consider the ways God works in our lives with grace, and the specific ways in which we can participate in the process of knowing and loving the Lord.
If you are interested, join us either on Tuesday at 7:00pm or on Thursday at 10:00am in the library. If you are unable to join us next week but are interested, or if you have questions, please contact me by email or phone ( 434-610-1115) as soon as possible.
We will order books soon and encourage anyone who is able to reimburse the church for the cost ($16) If that is a stretch for you, the church will pick up the cost. Since growing in our relationship to God is a topic that is relevant to every person, feel free to invite a friend or acquaintance beyond our congregation. I hope to see you there. Pastor Bruce