Operation Christmas Child

Pender will hold a Shoebox Packing Party for Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts on November 3, after the Fellowship Feast.  Shoebox gifts are distributed around the world to children to demonstrate the love of Jesus, and invite them to learn about our savior.
All are invited to attend!  Want to help more? Additional items needed are small toys, soccer balls/pumps, dolls, etc. A collection box will be in the Narthex starting October 27.
Another way to help is to donate $10 shipping per box.  Add OCC to your memo or note in your online donation.  For more information, go to the OCC website at: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/


Pray that God will direct each person packing shoe boxes to put in just the right items for the child who will receive the box.  Pray also that the children will receive Christ as their Lord and Savior - the best gift of all.

Event Coordinator Cherie Kronimus

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